Overcoming “The Productivity Paradox”
What happened?
Well, you’ve just joined the ranks of those battling “the Productivity Paradox.” You’ve increased automation technology WITHOUT experiencing the hoped-for dramatic leap in productivity. Or worse—you’ve actually become LESS productive! Let’s take 2 minutes to focus on this common problem—and see exactly how you can solve it or avoid it in the first place.
The Most Typical “S.O.S. Call” We Get
Here at Dirigo Software Solutions, we get “S.O.S. calls” all the time from folks dealing with the Productivity Paradox. The call goes something like this: “We just installed this new piece of automation technology that promised to do everything but make pancakes—but it’s been a real slog. It’s just not delivering the time- or money-saving productivity benefits we’d hoped for. How can we turn this around?”
The key is to use the RIGHT KIND of automation, applied in the RIGHT WAY for your specific organization and its specific goals.
That’s where Dirigo Software Solutions comes in. Like a Maine Guide who knows you actually CAN get there from here, we’ll help you clearly understand your automation options and the best way to maximize their productivity-boosting benefits. In a nutshell, we’ll help you avoid—or escape—the Productivity Paradox. Whether your best solution is automating your inbox … integrating 3rd-party software … introducing new data processing software … streamlining new client onboarding … or something else … you’ll get the clear, helpful guidance you need. And that’s true whether you’ve already made your automation investment, or seek upfront help in acquiring the smartest-for-your-organization automation solutions.
Questions? Contact Us for a Free, No-Obligation Consultation
As we’ve seen in previous blogs, there can be amazing benefits to automation—but ONLY when you avoid the pitfalls of the Productivity Paradox. When you want to explore automating your organization THE RIGHT WAY, we invite you to contact William Wade at 207-740-5709 or email him at wwade@dirigosoftwaresolutions.com.
About Dirigo Software Solutions
Founded by lifelong Mainer and former U.S. Marine William Wade, Dirigo Software Solutions is passionately committed to helping business owners and managers harness the power of technology so they can free themselves to focus on the most profitable, productive tasks.